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发布时间:2019-11-25     作者:   分享到:

李霄云,女,1985年5月生,农业环境保护与食品安全专业博士,副教授,美国化学学会会员。现为陕西师范大学地理科学与旅游学院环境科学系副教授。在科研工作方面,主要从事新兴污染物/纳米碳材料环境行为及生态效应及其相互作用机制、污染土壤修复等方面的研究工作。主持国家自然基金1项,陕西省自然基金2项,中央高校项目2项,参与国家级、省部级及国外的相关课题多项。在国内外学术期刊发表研究论文十余篇,SCI收录7篇,其中三篇发表于环境类国际顶级期刊Environ. Sci. Technol.,单篇引用率超过80次。




2011.09-2013.09,University of Massachusetts,环境科学,国家公派联合培养博士



Education and Work Experiences

Associate Professor, Shaanxi Normal University, (2017-)

Lecturer, Shaanxi Normal University, (2015-2017)

PhD.,Northwest A&FUniversity, (2015)

Joint doctoral programs, University of Massachusetts(USA), (2011-2013)





Research Interests

Interaction mechanisms between pollutants and nanomaterials

Environmental behaviors ofEmergency pollutants/nanomaterials and theirecological effect

Technology of remediation and control of contaminated soil





[4]陕西省自然科学基金青年 “功能化纳米碳管对可解离型有机污染物环境行为的影响”,项目编号:2016JQ4016,2016.01-2017.12,主持



代表性成果(Representative Publications,论文、专利、著作等)(近5年10篇


(2) Xiaoping Li, Xianyu Liu, Hongxiang Bao, Ting Wu, Yanan Zhao, Dongying Liu,Xiaoyun Li, Tao Yang & Hongtao Yu, A Novel High Biosorbent of Pb-resistant Bacterium Isolate for the Removal of Hazardous Lead from Alkaline Soil and Water: Biosorption Isotherms In Vivo and Bioremediation Strategy.Geomicrobiology Journal, 2018, 35:3, 174-185.

(3)LI Xiaoyun, WANG Yiquan, Mark E Reynolds., Li Xiaoping, Lu Xinwei. Long-term agricultural activity affects anthropologenic soil on the Chinese Loess Plateau.Journal of Arid Land.2017, 9(5): 678-687.

(4) Chen Ling,Xiaoyun Li, Zhiyun Zhang, Fuqiang Liu, Yingqing Deng, Xiaopeng Zhang, Aimin Li, Lili He, and Baoshan Xing. High Adsorption of Sulfamethoxazole by an Amine-modified Polystyrene-Divinylbenzene Resin and Its Mechanistic Insight.Environ. Sci. Technol.2016, 50(18), 10015–10023.

(5)Xiaoyun Li, Beatriz Gamiz, Joseph J. Yiquan Wang, Pignatello, and Baoshan Xing. Competitive Sorption Used to Probe Strong Hydrogen Bonding Sites for Weak Organic Acids on Carbon Nanotubes.Environ. Sci. Technol. 2015, 49 (3): 1409–1417.

(6)Xiaoyun Li, Joseph J. Pignatello, Yiquan Wang, and Baoshan Xing. New Insight into Adsorption Mechanism of Ionizable Compounds on Carbon Nanotubes.Environ. Sci. Technol.2013, 47(15): 8334−8341.

(7)Zonglin Shi,Xiaoyun Li, Lu Zhang, and Yiquan Wang. Impacts of farmland conversion to apple (Malus domestica) orchard on soilorganic carbon pools and enzyme activities in a semiarid loess region.J. Plant Nutr. Soil Sci.2015, 000:1-12.

(8) XU Hai, WANG Yi-quan,LI Xiao-yun, WANG Hao, WANG Yong-jian and XU Shuang. Effect of long-term N fertilization on ca saturation and soil quality in a calcareous soil in a semiarid to subhumid region.African Journal of Agricultural Research.2014, 9 (1): 80-93.