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Jean-Philippe Croue
发布时间:2019-11-06     作者:   分享到:

Jean-Philippe Croue  Professor

Dr. Jean-Philippe Croue

Tel: 08 9266 9793

E-mail: Jean-Philippe.Croue@curtin.edu.au

Education and Work Experiences

Professor, School of Molecular and Life Sciences (MLS), Bentley Campus

Research Interests

[1] Aquatic natural organic matter

[2] Disinfection by-products

[3] Fouling control

[4] Low and high membrane filtration

[5] Oxidation and advanced oxidation processes

[6] Water Treatment

Representative Publications (In recent five years) :

[1] An, D., Y. Chen, B. Gu, P. Westerhoff, D. Hanigan, P. Herckes, N. Fischer, S. Donovan, J. P. Croue, and A. Atkinson. 2019. "Lower molecular weight fractions of PolyDADMAC coagulants disproportionately contribute to N-nitrosodimethylamine formation during water treatment." Water Research 150: 466-472.

[2] Zhang, S., V. Rouge, L. Gutierrez, and J. P. Croue. 2019. "Reactivity of chromophoric dissolved organic matter (CDOM) to sulfate radicals: Reaction kinetics and structural transformation." Water Research 163

[3] Zhang, Y., Y. An, C. Liu, Y. Wang, Z. Song, Y. Li, W. Meng, F. Qi, B. Xu, J. P. Croue, and 2 more contributors.. "Catalytic ozonation of emerging pollutant and reduction of toxic by-products in secondary effluent matrix and effluent organic matter reaction activity." Water Research 166 Inpress.

[4] Glady-Croue, J., X. Z. Niu, J. P. Ramsay, E. Watkin, R. J. T. Murphy, and J. P. Croue. 2018. "Survival of antibiotic resistant bacteria following artificial solar radiation of secondary wastewater effluent." Science of the Total Environment 626: 1005-1011.

[5] Guo, Y., Z. Song, B. Xu, Y. Li, F. Qi, J. P. Croue, and D. Yuan. 2018. "A novel catalytic ceramic membrane fabricated with CuMn2O4particles for emerging UV absorbers degradation from aqueous and membrane fouling elimination." Journal Of Hazardous Materials 344: 1229-1239.

[6] Allard, S., W. Hu, J. B. Le Menn, K. Cadee, H. Gallard, and J. P. Croué. 2018. "Method Development for Quantification of Bromochloramine Using Membrane Introduction Mass Spectrometry." Environmental Science and Technology 52 (14): 7805-7812.

[7] Allard, S., K. Cadee, R. Tung, and J. P. Croué. 2018. "Impact of brominated amines on monochloramine stability during in-line and pre-formed chloramination assessed by kinetic modelling." Science Of The Total Environment 618: 1431-1439.

[8] Gutierrez, L., A. Keucken, C. Aubry, N. Zaouri, B. Teychene, and J. P. Croue. 2018. "Impact of operation conditions, foulant adsorption, and chemical cleaning on the nanomechanical properties of ultrafiltration hollow fiber membranes." Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 549: 34-42.

[9] Niu, X. Z., M. Harir, P. Schmitt-Kopplin, and J. P. Croué. 2018. "Characterisation of dissolved organic matter using Fourier-transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry: Type-specific unique signatures and implications for reactivity." Science of the Total Environment 644: 68-76.

[10] Zhang, S., L. Gutierrez, X. Z. Niu, F. Qi, and J. P. Croue. 2018. "The characteristics of organic matter influence its interfacial interactions with MnO2 and catalytic oxidation processes." Chemosphere 209: 950-959.