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发布时间:2019-10-09     作者:   分享到:
序号 论文题目 所有作者 刊名 年份,卷期,页码
1 A New Method to get the LVEF Reference Values of the Healthy Adult Male by Heart Rate and Geographical Environment Factors 井静,葛淼,杨子祁,李鹏,邓志伟 International Journal of Gerontology 2018,3(4):1-7
2 A Novel High Biosorbent of Pb-resistant Bacterium Isolate for the Removal of Hazardous Lead from Alkaline Soil and Water: Biosorption Isotherms In Vivo and Bioremediation Strategy 李小平,刘献宇,保宏翔,吴婷,赵亚楠,刘东英,李霄云,杨涛,Hongtao Yu GEOMICROBIOLOGY JOURNAL 2018,35(3):174-185
3 A Novel Pb-Resistant Bacillus subtilis Bacterium Isolate for Co-Biosorption of Hazardous Sb(III) and Pb(II): Thermodynamics and Application Strategy 蔡月,李小平,刘东英,徐长林,艾雨为,孙薛梦,张蒙,高瑜,张钰超,杨涛,王景芝,王利军,李霄云,Hongtao Yu Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2018,15(4):702-720
4 Accumulation degree and source apportionment of trace metals in smaller than 63 μm road dust from the areas with different land uses: A case study of Xi'an, China 石栋奇,卢新卫 Science of the Total Environment 2018,636:1211-1218
5 Adsorption Behavior and Mechanism for the Uptake of Fluoride Ions by Reed Residues 宋蓉,徐海洋,杨胜科,王宗周,陈阳阳,王艳华 International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2018,101(15):1-12
6 Adsorption Property and Mechanism of Oxytetracycline onto Willow Residues 王迪,徐海洋,杨胜科,王文科,王艳华 International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2018,15(8):1-11
7 Carbon sequestration service flow in the Guanzhong-Tianshui economic region of China: How it flows, what drives it, and where could be optimized? 李婷,李晶,王彦泽 Ecological Indicators 2018,96(1):548-558
8 Concentration and risk evaluation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in urban soil in the typical semi-arid city of Xi'an in Northwest China 王利军,张晟玮,王丽,张文娟,史兴民,卢新卫,李小平,李霄云 International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2018,15(4):1-15
9 Concentration and source of trace metals in street dust from an industrial city in semi-arid area of China 韩秀凤,石栋奇,卢新卫 Journal of Environmental Sciences and Management 2018,21(1):90-99
10 Contamination and ecological risk of heavy metal in sediments of a reservoir near an industrial park of northwest China 石栋奇,卢新卫,朱媛婕,杨琳娜,任春辉 Fresenius Environmental Bulletin 2018,27(3):1552-1562
11 Content of Heavy Metal in the Dust of Leisure Squares and Its Health Risk Assessment—A Case Study of Yanta District in Xi’an 邵天杰,Liyuan Pan,Zhiqing Chen,王瑞媛,Wenjing Li,Qing Qin,Yuran He International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2018,15(3):394
12 Ecological risk by heavy metal contents in sediments within the Wei River Basin, China 杨涛,陈佳,李小平,吴婷,胡昭君,王硕 Environmental Earth Sciences 2019,78(3):101-113
13 Electrode Modification and Optimization in Air-Cathode Single-Chamber Microbial Fuel Cells 王艳华,吴嘉燕,杨胜科,李会慧,李小平 International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2018,15(8):1-16
14 Equilibrium and kinetics studies of Cd(II) sorption on zeolite NaX synthesized from coal gangue 陈建龙,卢新卫 Journal of Water Reuse and Desalination 2018,8(1):94-101
15 Evaluating health hazards of harmful metals in roadway dust particles finer than 100 um 石栋奇,卢新卫,王倩 Polish Journal of Environmental Studies 2018,27(6):2729-2737
16 Formation and Movement of Groundwater in the Thick Loess-Palaeosol Sequences of the Central Chinese Loess Plateau 马延东,赵景波,刘瑞,周旗,阴雷鹏 PEDOSPHERE 2018,28(6):895-904
17 Impacts of sediment load and size on rill detachment under low flow discharges 刘俊娥,周正朝,Zhang John Xunchang Journal of Hydrology 2019,570:719-725
18 Intra-urban levels, spatial variability, possible sources and health risks of PM2.5 bound phthalate esters in Xi’an 王景芝,董治宝,李小平,徐红梅,肖舜,何世恒,刘随心,曹军骥 Aerosol and Air Quality Research 2018,18(2):485-496
19 Lead in roadway dusts from different functional areas in a typical valley-city, NW China: Contamination and exposure risk 潘慧云,卢新卫,雷凯 Environmental Science and Pollution Research 2018,25(1):525-532
20 Mid-late Holocene temperature and precipitation variations in the Guanting Basin, upper reaches of the Yellow River 赵辉,黄春长,王欢业,刘卫国,强小科,徐新文,郑紫星,胡迎,周强,张玉柱,郭永强 Quaternary International 2018,490(490):74-81
21 Morphometry of lunette dunes in the Tirari Desert, South Australia 刘铮瑶,董治宝,崔徐甲 Open Geosciences 2018,10(1):452-460
22 Nanoscaled magnetic CuFe2O4 as an activator of peroxymonosulfate for the degradation of antibiotics Norfloxacin 王玉如,田东凡,朱威,李敏睿,卢新卫 Separation and Purification Technology 2018,212(212):536-544
23 Palaeoclimatic and hydrological environments inferred by moisture indexes from the S4 Palaeosol section in the Xi'an region, China 赵景波,马延东,刘瑞,罗小庆,邵天杰 Quaternary International 2018,493:127-136
24 Physichemical properties and toxic elements in bus stop dusts from Qingyang, NW China 武永福,卢新卫 Scientific Reports 2018,8(12568):1-9
25 Pollution assessment of manganese, zinc, chrome, lead, copper and nickel in bus stops dusts of Qingyang city, Northwest China 武永福,卢新卫,张宁,韩秀凤,姚志龙,庄肃凯,韩平 Fresenius Environmental Bulletin 2018,27(10):6478-6484
26 Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Urban Soil in the Semi arid City of Xi’an, Northwest China: Composition, Distribution, Sources,and Relationships with Soil Properties 王利军,张盼青,王丽,张文娟,史兴民,卢新卫,李小平,李霄云 Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 2018,75(9):351–366
27 Research on nitrate removal from simulated groundwater by iron nanoparticle-loaded grapheme 王艳华,杨胜科,李斌 Desalination and Water Treatment 2018,104(2):189-200
28 River habitat assessment for ecological restoration of Wei River Basin, China 杨涛,王硕,李小平,吴婷,李黎,陈佳 Environmental Science and Pollution Research 2018,25(17):17077-17090
29 River health assessment: Proposing a comprehensive model based on physical habitat, chemical condition and biotic structure 杨涛,张倩,杨涛,张李奇,李小平,陈佳,杨涛 Ecological Indicators 2019,103(0):446-460
30 Setting conservation priorities based on ecosystemservices - A case study of the Guanzhong-Tianshui Economic Region 秦克玉,刘婧雅,闫利文,黄海军 Science of the Total Environment 2018,650(2):3062–3074
31 Speciation, sources, and risk assessment of heavy metals in suburban vegetable garden soil in Xianyang City, Northwest China 王利军,Wendong Tao,Richard C. Smardon,徐雪,卢新卫 Frontiers of Earth Science 2018,12(2):397-407
32 Sustainable Development of Cultural Industry in Shaanxi Province of Northwest China: A SWOT and AHP Analysis 樊婷,薛东前 sustainabiliy 2018,10(8):1-16
33 Synthesis and characterization of zeolites NaA and NaX from coal gangue 陈建龙,卢新卫 Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management 2018,20(1):489-495
34 The spatial distribution of BUN reference values of Chinese healthyadults: a cross-section study 韦德智,葛淼 International Journal of Biometeorology 2018,10(27):1-9
35 Toxic metal enrichment characteristics and source identification of arid urban surface soil in Northwest China 张明鑫,卢新卫,石栋奇,潘慧云 Journal of Arid Land 2018,10(4):653-662
36 Urban street dust bound 24 potentially toxic metal/metalloids (PTMs) from Xining valley-city, NW China: Spatial occurrences, sources and health risks 李小平,张蒙,高瑜,张钰超,张旭,严向阳,王硕,杨蕊,刘彬,Hongtao Yu Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 2018,162(7):474-487
37 Use of a Survey to Assess the Environmental Exposure and Family Perception to Lead in Children (<6 Years) in Four Valley Cities, Northwestern China 孙薛梦,李小平,刘东英,杨涛,赵亚楠,吴婷,蔡月,艾雨为,张旭,王继文,杨蕊,Hongtao Yu,Howard W. Mielke Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2018,15(4):740-766
38 What is the main driving force of hydrological cycle variations in the semiarid and semi-humid Weihe River Basin, China 姬霖,段克勤 Science of the Total Environment 2019,684(684):254-264
39 不同心率和地理环境因子与健康成年男性左室射血分数 参考值的相关性 井静,葛淼,杨子祁,李鹏,韦德志 中国医学科学院学报 2018,40(4):487-492
40 城市土壤重金属空间分布、污染与来源 李小平,高瑜,张蒙,孙薛梦,艾雨为,蔡月,王丽娜,张钰超,刘彬 环境科学与技术 2018,41(6):138-146
41 地理环境对健康人血清脂联素水平的影响 纪旭,葛淼,李小平,井静,李鹏,韦德智,葛淼 临床和实验医学杂志 2018,17(23):2354-2359
42 典型能源开发区灰尘金属元素的空间分布特征、来源 与健康风险 赵亚楠,杨涛,孙薛梦,刘东英,吴婷,艾雨为,蔡月,李丽,Hongtao Yu 环境科学学报 2018,38(1):350-362
43 关中东部全新世黄土—古土壤序列粒度组分变化特征及古气候意义 王兆夺,黄春长 地球科学进展 2018,33(3):293-304
44 河南晚更新世-全新世黄土记录的环境变化及物源特征 王兆夺,郭永强,黄春长 高校地质学报 2018,34(3):380-389
45 淮河上游卢庄段全新世古洪水水文恢复研究 王兆夺,李晓刚,黄春长 干旱区地理 2018,41(2):325-333
46 淮河上游全新世古洪水沉积学特征及古洪水事件气候背景 王兆夺,黄春长,李晓刚 长江流域资源环境 2018,27(9):2122-2131
47 淮河上游桐柏县卢庄SWD粒度端元分析 王兆夺,黄春长 兰州大学学报.自然科学版 2018,53(6):720-726
48 辉光放电电解等离子体降解水中阳离子红XL-GRL 李卓键,李敏睿,俞洁,郑伟,王玉如,王瑞媛,谢兴国,田永国 环境工程学报 2019,13(2):332-340
49 基于SolVES 模型的关中⁃天水经济区生态系统文化服 务评估 赵琪琪,刘婧雅,秦克玉,田涛 生态学报 2018,39(10):3673-3681
50 基于SPEI及游程理论的云贵地区1960-2014年干旱时空变化特征 芦佳玉,延军平,李英杰 浙江大学学报(理学版) 2018,45(3):363-372
51 基于贝叶斯网络的水源涵养服务空间格局优化 曾莉,李婷,杨晓楠,王彦泽 地理学报 2018,27(9):1809-1822
52 基于情景的关中平原土地利用和生态系统服务预测及变化分析 刘岩,李晶,秦克玉,陈登帅 陕西师范大学学报(自然科学版) 2018,46(2):95-103
53 基于水足迹理论的内蒙古1990~2016年水资源评价 尹默雪,赵先贵 干旱区资源与环境 2018,32(6):120-125
54 基于项目制学习的“环境工程微生物学”研究型实验探索 吉铮,马阁,王瑞媛,李敏睿 微生物学通报 2018,45(3):697-701
55 极点对称模态分解下西安高温天气的趋势特征 李双双,延军平,孔锋,高文兰,王娟,赵怡 地理研究 2018,37(1):209-219
56 近3 a内蒙古地区臭氧浓度时空变化及其影响因素 陈志青,邵天杰,赵景波 干旱区研究 2019,28(6):1434-1446
57 开封市大气降尘中重金属污染及潜在生态危害评价 张忠地,邵天杰,卫佩茹 干旱区资源与环境 2019,33(11):156-162
58 邻苯二甲酸和苯甲酸在功能化碳纳米管上的吸附行为 张金龙,李霄云,包万鸿,王玉如,李小平 中国环境科学 2018,38(11):4106~4113
59 六盘山东麓晚更新世以来黄土粒度指示的物源特征及演变 王兆夺,黄春长,杨红瑾 地理科学 2018,38(5):818-826
60 蒙陕大型煤矿开采区水质化学特征与健康风险 蔡月,赵亚楠,孙薛梦,刘东英,吴婷,艾雨为 生态学杂志 2018,37(2):482-491
61 男性血清胆红素参考值与地理因素的岭回归分析 李天渝,葛淼,李小平,卢新卫 暨南大学学报自然科学与医学版 2018,39(4):324-331
62 气象因素和前体物对中国东部O3浓度分布的影响 黄小刚,邵天杰,赵景波,曹军骥,岳大鹏 中国环境科学 2019,39(6):2273~2282
63 青海官亭盆地喇家遗址全新世地层序列与史前灾难研究 黄春长,郭永强,张玉柱,周亚利,赵辉 中国科学 2019,49(2):434-455
64 石家庄城市地表灰尘中多环芳烃的污染特征及来源 张凯,卢新卫,罗润 地球与环境 2018,46(3):313-320
65 西安市不同功能区可悬浮灰尘中重金属含量、形态及污染评价 周潇,卢新卫,蔡月,白清华,欧延升 环境化学 2018,37(9):1921-1927
66 西安市文教区表层土壤中PAHs来源及风险分析 周燕,卢新卫 地球与环境 2018,46(4):381-387
67 新城市贫困群体生活环境感知空间 差异及影响因素研究* ———以西安市四类街道社区为例 代兰海,马蓓蓓,薛东前,黄晶,宋永永 干旱区资源与环境 2018,32(5):39-45
68 长三角城市群臭氧浓度的时空分异及驱动因素 黄小刚,邵天杰,赵景波,曹军骥,宋永永 长江流域资源与环境 2019,28(6):1434-1446
69 中国东南沿海大雨、暴雨时空变化特征 张平,延军平,唐宝琪,李英杰,王文静 中国农业大学学报 2018,35(1):44-53
70 1960-2015年两广地区夏季高温热浪变化特征 张平,李英杰,唐宝琪,王文静 浙江大学学报(理学版) 2018,45(1):8
71 1960-2016年秦岭—淮河地区热浪时空变化特征 李双双,延军平,杨赛霓,胡书山,赵怡 地理科学进展 2018,37(4):504-514
72 1970-2015年秦岭南北气温时空变化及其气候分界意义 李双双,芦佳玉,延军平,刘宪锋,孔锋,王娟 地理学报 2018,73(1):13-24
73 2016年春节期间西安市大气颗粒物中多环芳烃的污染特征 潘楠,卢新卫 大气与环境光学学报 2018,13(3):208-217
74 2016年长三角城市群O3浓度的时空变化规律 黄小刚,赵景波 中国环境科学 2018,38(10):3611-3620
75 UV/PMS降解水中罗丹明B的动力学及反应机理 田东凡,王玉如,宋薇,李敏睿,李小平,卢新卫 环境科学学报 2018,38(5):1868-1876