Hongtao Yu Professor
Dr. Hongtao Yu Tel: (601)979-2174 E-mail:hongtao.yu@jsums.edu |
Personal Information:
Date of Birth: June 26, 1963
Education and Professional Experiences:
· Education:
B. Sc., Department of Chemistry, University of Science and Technology of China, (PRC), (1982)
M. Sc., Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, (PRC), (1986)
Ph. D., Institute for Organic and Biochemistry, Technical University of Munich, (GER), (1990)
· Professional Experiences:
Chair, Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry, Jackson State University, Jackson, MS, (USA), (2003-Present)
Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry, University of Mississippi, Oxford, MS, (USA), (1997)
Assistant, Associate, and Full Professor of Chemistry, Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry, Jackson State University, Jackson, MS, (USA), (1996-Present)
Senior Postdoctoral Fellow, Drug Dynamics Institute, University of Texas at Austin, TX, (USA), (1994-1996)
Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Chemistry, LSU, Baton Rouge, LA, (USA), (1990-1994)
Awards & Honors:
[1] Outstanding Contributions to Science, Mississippi Academy of Sciences, March 6, 2014
[2] Stanley C. Israel Regional Award for Advancing Diversity in the Chemical Sciences, American Chemical Society, 2011
[3] Undergraduate Research and Training Award, Jackson State University, 2007
[4] Leadership in Doctoral Education Award, Jackson State University, 2006
[5] Chairman’s Service Award, International Week, Jackson State University, 2006
[6] Outstanding Faculty Honoree, HEADWAE, Higher Education Appreciation Day-Working for Academic Excellence, Mississippi State Legislature, 2004
[7] Group Research Award, Jackson State University, 2004
[8] National ChemLuminary Award for “Best Activity with Underrepresented Minority Students and/or Organizations” for the 1998 National Chemistry Week Events, Honorable Mention, American Chemical Society, 1999
[9] Best Teacher, Sigma Phi student honor society, Jackson State University, 1998.
Professional Service:
· President Elect: Mississippi Academy of Sciences, 2014
· Associate Editor: Journal of Environmental Science and Health Part C: Environmental Toxicology and Carcinogenesis Reviews, 2014-present
· Associate Editor: International Journal of Photoenergy, 2012-present
· Editorial Board: Nanoscience & Nanotechnology: Open Access, 2013 - present
· Editorial Board: Journal of Environmental Science and Health Part C: Environmental Carcinogenesis and Ecotoxicology Reviews, 2008-2014
· Guest Editor: International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2002, Vol 3, Special Issue.
· National and State Level Committees
· National REU Leadership Group, National Science Foundation, 2010-present
· Mississippi Energy Policy Institute, 2009-present
· External Advisory Committee, HBCU-UP Program, Alcorn State University
· Conference Steering/Organizing Committees
· 7th through 12th Southern School on Computational Chemistry and Materials Science, 2007-2013, Jackson, MS.
· Annual Meeting for Minority Health and Health Disparities, 2008-Present
· Symposium on Nanomaterials, Richards Bay, South Africa, July 28-August 2, 2007
· Annual Men’s Health and Healthcare Conference, 2011-Present
Professional Membership:
· American Chemical Society, 1991-present
· Mississippi Academy of Sciences, 1997-present (Life Member)
· National Organization for the Advancement of Black Chemists and Chemical Engineers, 2006-present
· International Society for Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds, 2001-2011
· Environmental Mutagen Society, 2002-2010
· American Society for Photobiology, 2002-2010
· American Association for Cancer Research, 1998-2000
External Funded Grants:
· Current
[1] NSF Chemistry Research Experience for Undergraduates PI’s Workshop (PI), NSF, 6/1/2015-5/31/2016, $65,000.
[2] Recruiting and Mentoring a Materials Science Faculty at JSU (PI), Office of Naval Research, 6/1/2015-5/31/2017, $200,000.
[3] Quantification of In Situ Chemical Reductive Defluorination (ISCRD) of Perfluoroalkyl Acids in Groundwater Impacted by AFFFs (PI): DoD: W912HQ-14-C-0047, 7/16/2014 – 7/16/2017. $31,341.
[4] Mid-South Transdisciplinary Collaborative Center for Health Disparities Research: National Institutes of Health; Role: Co-Lead on Pilot Research Project Programs. August 1, 2014 – July 31, 2017. $100,000.
[5] Development of Radiochemistry Education and Research Program at JSU (PI), Nuclear Regulatory Agency, 4/2012-3/31/2016, NRC-HQ-12-G-38-0038, $413,766
[6] REU Site (Co-PI, PI: Ray): REU Site: Multidisciplinary Environmental Nanoscience Research at Jackson State University Serving Minority & Disadvantaged Students. National Science Foundation, $290,000, August 1, 2012 – July 31, 2015. NSF CHE 1156111.
[7] JSU-UCSB Partnership for Research and Education in Materials Science (Co-PI, PI: Ray), 6/1/2012 – 5/31/2017, $3,000,000 DMR 1205194.
· Completed
[8] Purchase of GC-MS, NSF CRIF-MU (PI), 9/1/2009 – 8/31/2012, $172,855, NSF CHE 0840450
[9] REU Site (PI): Interdisciplinary Research on Nanomaterials-Based Environmental Sensing, Biological Application and Modeling for Underrepresented Minority Undergraduates. National Science Foundation, $294,000, May 1, 2008 – April 30, 2011. NSF DMR 0755433
[10] Purchase of 500 MHz NMR Spectrometer, NSF-MRI (PI), $580,000, August 2008-August 2011. NSF CHE 0821357
[11] NIH-RISE (Co-PI, PI: Hill): Biomedical Research Support Program Research Initiative for Scientific Enhancement, March 2011 – February 2016. Total Funding: $1,000,000.00.
[12] Army High Performance Computing Design of Novel Materials, Department of Defense (PD: Shelton Swanier), PI for Subproject: Design of sensors for chemical agent detection. $80,000/year for a total of $400,000; September 2006 – 2011.
[13] Partnership in Research and Education in Materials, NSF-PREM (PI: Ray), Role on project: Director for Education and PI for subproject: Nanomaterial-based detection of DNA damages; $60,000/year for a total of $300,000 for 5 years, June 2006-2011.
[14] Purchase of X-Ray Diffractometer, NSF-MRI (Co-PI, PI: Valente), $250,000, September 2006-2009. NSF CHE 0618148
[15] Purchase of Nd:YAG Laser System, NSF CRIF-MU(PI): $250,000, March 2005-2008. NSF CHE 0443547
[16] Light-induced DNA covalent adduct formation of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PI: Tachikawa, PI of subproject), January 1, 2002 to December 31, 2005, total direct cost $420,000, NIH-SCORE, National Institutes of Health.
[17] Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons: A study of toxicity mechanism, intermediate identification and bioremediation, Department of Defense (Co-PI, PI: Hwang), August 2001-2004. direct cost $800,000.
[18] Enhancing DoD-supported research program by minority student participation (PI), October 2002 –2005, $45,000.
[19] Evaluation of DNA Photocleavage and Photo-induced Toxicity of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PI: Mohamed, PI of subproject), July 1998-2003, total direct cost $561,310, NIH-RCMI, National Institute of Health.
[20] Novel Fluorescent Nucleic Acid Bases: Probes for Studying Protein-DNA Interaction (PI: Tachikawa, PI of subproject), July 1998-2001. Total direct cost $386,868, NIH-MBRS, National Institute of Health.
Representative Publications (In recent five years):
[1] Ying Zhang, Brandon Newton, Eybriunna Lewis, Peter P. Fu, Ramzi Kafoury, Paresh C. Ray, and Hongtao Yu, Cytotoxicity of Organic Surface Coating Agents Used for Nanoparticles, Toxicol. In Vitro, 29(4), 762–768, 2015.
[2] Shantelle Hughes, Samuel S. R. Dasary, Salma Begum, Nya Williams, and Hongtao Yu, A Meisenheimer complex between 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene and 3-aminopropyltriethoxysilane and its use for a paper-based sensor, Sensing and Bio-Sensing Research, in print, 2015.
[3] Danielle McShan, Ying Zhang, Hua Deng, Paresh C. Ray, and Hongtao Yu, Synergistic Antibacterial Effect of Silver Nanoparticles Combined with Ineffective Antibiotics on Drug Resistant Salmonella typhimurium DT104, J. Environ. Sci. Health, Part C, 33(3), DOI:10.1080/10590501.2015.1055165, published online June 14, 2015.
[4] Ying Zhang, Thabitha P. Shareena Dasari, Hua Deng, and Hongtao Yu, Antimicrobial Activity of Gold Nanoparticles and Ionic Gold, J. Environ. Sci. Health, Part C, 33(3), DOI:10.1080/10590501.2015.1055161, published online June 14, 2015.
[5] Billa, J., Han, F.; Didla, S.; Yu, H.; Dimpah, J.; Brempong, O.; Adzanu, S. Radioactivity studies on farm raised and wild catfish produced in Mississippi, USA. J. Radioanal. Nucl. Chem. Published Online May 8, 2015. DOI: 10.1007/s10967-015-4159-5
[6] Billa J., F.X. Han, S. Didla, M. Ankrah, H. Yu, J. Dimpah, O. Brempong, and S. Adzanu. Evaluation of Radioactivity Levels in Fertilizers Commonly Used in the Southern USA. J. Radioanal. Nucl. Chem. Published Online March 18, 2015. DOI:10.1007/s10967-015-4071-z
[7] Lawson L. S., J.Q. McComb, R. Dong, F.X. Han, C. Rogers, Z. Arslan and H. Yu. Binding, Speciation and Distribution of Cs, Co and Sr in U.S. Coastal Soil under Saturated and Field Capacity Moisture Regimes. J. Soils Sediments (in press), 2015.
[8] Thabitha P. S. Dasari, Hua Deng, Danielle McShan, and Hongtao Yu, Nanosilver-Based Antibacterial Agents for Food Safety, in Food Poisoning: Outbreaks, Bacterial Sources and Adverse Health Effects, Ray PC Ed. Nova Science Publishing Inc. 2014.
[9] Danielle McShan, Paresh C. Ray, and Hongtao Yu, Molecular Toxicity Mechanism of Nanosilver, J. Food Drug Anal., 22, 116-127, 2014.
[10] Peter P. Fu, Qingsu Xia, Huey-Min Hwang, Paresh C. Ray, Hongtao Yu, Mechanism of Nanotoxicity: Generation of Reactive Oxygen Species, J. Food Drug Anal.22, 64-75, 2014.