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Paresh Chandra Ray
发布时间:2019-11-06     作者:   分享到:


Paresh Chandra Ray Professor

Dr. Paresh Chandra Ray

Tel: (601)979 3486


Personal Information:
Date of Birth: July 1, 1968

Education and Professional Experiences

· Education:

B.Sc., Chemistry, Department of Chemistry, Vidyasagar University, West Bengal, (IND), (1989)

M.Sc., Physical Chemistry, Department of Chemistry, Kalyani University, West Bengal, (IND), (1992)

Ph.D., Physical Chemistry and Laser Spectroscopy, Department of Inorganic and Physical Chemistry, (1997)

· Professional Experiences:

Professor, Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry, Jackson State University, Jackson, Mississippi. (USA), (2012-Present)

Associate Professor, Department of Chemistry, Jackson State University, Jackson, Mississippi, (USA), (2008-2012)

Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry, Jackson State University, Jackson, Mississippi, (USA), (2003-2008)

Research Scientist, Black Light Power, Inc., Cranbury, New Jersey, (USA), (2001-2003)

Research Associate, Department of Chemistry, Columbia University, New York, (USA), (2000-2001)

Research Associate, Department of Chemistry, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, (USA), (1999-2000)

Post-Doctoral Fellow, Department of Chemistry, University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois, (USA), (1997-1999)

Paresh Chandra Ray Professor

Dr. Paresh Chandra Ray

Tel: (601)979 3486



Awards & Honors:

[1] 2014 Mahatma Gandhi Pravasi Samman Award, INDIA (Presidential)

[2] 2013 JSU Best Innovator Award

[3] 2013 Mississippi Innovator Recognition

[4] 2013 Million Dollar Grantsmanship Award, Jackson State University

[5] 2012 JSU Researcher of the Year

[6] 2012 JSU Chemistry Best Teacher Award

[7] 2012 National Science Foundation Recognition for Material Science Researcher

[8] 2011 Million Dollar Grantsmanship Award, Jackson State University

[9] 2010 Research Excellence Award, Jackson State University

[10] 2009 HEADWAE (Higher Education Appreciation Day/Working for Academic Excellence) Award, Mississippi State Legislature

[11] 2008 Research Excellence Award, Jackson State University

[12] 2007 Research Excellence Award, Jackson State University.

[13] 2007 Million Dollar Grantsmanship Award, Jackson State University

[14] 2006 Research Excellence Award, Jackson State University

[15] 2007 Half Million Dollar Grantsmanship Award, Jackson State University

[16] 2005 Research Excellence Award, Jackson State University

[17] 2004 Proposal Writing Recognition Award, Jackson State University

[18] 2003 Best Employee Award, Blacklight Power Inc, New Jersey

[19] 1998, Sir J. C. Ghos. Medal for Best Thesis Award, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India

Professional Society Member:

American Chemical Society

Material Research Society

Royal Society of Chemistry


External Funded Grants:

[1] Purchase of Nanosecond Nd:YAG laser combined with Dye Laser system, National Science Foundation (Co-PI),  $250K, Feb. 2005- Jan. 2008.

[2] JSU-UCSB Partnerships for Research and Education in Materials (PREM) Science, National Science Foundation, (Program Director), $2.75M, July 2006- May 2011.

[3] Integrated Optical-Nanosystems for the Detection of Biological Agents, Army Research Office, (PI) $400K, June. 2006 – May 2009.

[4] Nanoparticle Based Detection Of Bacteria Using Hyper-Rayleigh Spectroscopy, Department of Homeland Sequirity (DHS) (PI), $250K, Sept. 2006 – Aug. 2008.

[5] Hyper Rayleigh Scattering Spectroscopy at Nano/Bio Interface, National Institute of Health (PI), 400K, May 2007 – April 2010.

[6] Gold Nanoparticle Based FRET assay for RNA folding, National Science Foundation (PI), $150 K, July 2007- June 2010.

[7] Nanoporous Silica for Explosive Detection, Army Research Lab, (PI), $180K, October 2007–September 2010.

[8] CREST Center on Nanotoxicity, National Science Foundation, (Co-PI), 5M, October 2008- September 2013.

[9] REU Site: Interdisciplinary Research on Nanomaterials Based Environmental Sensing, Biological Application and Modeling, National Science Foundation, Co-PI, $300K, June 2008 – May 2011

[10] Plasmonic Blackbody Absorber, Universal Technology Corporation, PI, $80K, May 2010-July 2012

[11] Graphene Based Explosive Material, Army Research Lab, (PI), $180K, December 2010–November 2013.

[12] JSU-UCSB Partnerships for Research and Education in Materials (PREM) Science, National Science Foundation, (Program Director), $3.0M, June 2012- May 2017

[13] Two Photon Absorbing Material, Universal Technology Corporation, PI, $100K, Dec 2012-Nov 2013.

[14] REU Site: Multidisciplinary Environmental Nanoscience Research at Jackson State University Serving Minority & Disadvantaged Students, PI, National Science Foundation, $270K, May 2012 – April 2015

[15] Gold Nanoparticle Based Malaria Vaccine, National Institute of Health (NIH/R21), $80K, June 2012-May 2014

[16] Nonlinear Optical Nano Material, PI, Airforce Research Lab (AFRL), PI, $250K, Oct. 2013-Sept. 2018

[17] Novel SERS probe for Dengu Virus detection from blood sample, , CO-PI, National Institute of Health (NIH/R15), $150K, June 2014-May 2017

Representative Publications (In recent five years):

· Book Chapter Published:

[1] Chapter: “Principles of Nanotechnology.” Jerzy Leszczynski. In Stem-Cell Nanoengineering, (1st Ed.)  H. Baharvand and N. Aghdami (Eds.). (2015), pp. 69–85.

[2] Two-Dimensional Graphene Material for Food Pathogen Diagnosis, Bhanu P.V. Nellore, Rajashekhar Kanchanapally, Teresa Demeritte and Paresh C. Ray, Book Title: Food Poisoning: Outbreaks, Bacterial Sources and Adverse Health Effects, Nova Publisher, 2014, Chapter 4.

[3] Hybrid Multifunctional Nanoparticles As Platforms for Targeted Detection, Separation, and Photothermal Destruction of Food Pathogens, Brian G. Yust, Dhiraj K. Sardar, and Paresh C. Ray, Book Title: Food Poisoning: Outbreaks, Bacterial Sources and Adverse Health Effects, Nova Publisher, 2014, Chapter 7.

[4] Detection of Melamine from Food in Parts per Quadrillion Level Using Functionalized Graphene Oxide-Gold Nanoparticle Hybrid SERS Platform , Rajashekhar Kanchanapally, Zhen Fan, Willie Wesley, Bhanu P. V. Nellore, Rebecca A. Crouch, Sudarson S. Sinha, Avijit Pramanik, Suhash Reddy Chavva and Paresh C. Ray, Book Title: Food Poisoning: Outbreaks, Bacterial Sources and Adverse Health Effects, Nova Publisher, 2014, Chapter 9.

· Articles:

[1] Long-range two-photon scattering spectroscopy ruler for screening prostate cancer cells, Sudarson Sekhar Sinha, Dilip K Paul, Rajashekhar Kanchanapally, Avijit Pramanik, Suhash Reddy Chavva, Bhanu Priya Viraka Nellore, Stacy J Jones, Paresh Chandra Ray, Chem. Sci., 2015, 2411-2418.

[2] Multifunctional Biocompatible Graphene Oxide Quantum Dots Decorated Magnetic Nanoplatform for Efficient Capture and Two-Photon Imaging of Rare Tumor Cells, Yongliang Shi, Avijit Pramanik, Christine Tchounwou, Francisco Pedraza, Rebecca A Crouch, Suhash Reddy Chavva, Aruna Vangara, Sudarson Sekhar Sinha, Stacy Jones, Dhiraj K Sardar, Craig J Hawker, Paresh Chandra Ray, ACS Appl. Mater. Sci. 2015 (ASAP Artcile)

[3] Aptamer-Conjugated Graphene Oxide Membranes for Highly Efficient Capture and Accurate Identification of Multiple Types of Circulating Tumor Cells, Bhanu Priya Viraka Nellore, Rajashekhar Kanchanapally, Avijit Pramanik, Sudarson Sekhar Sinha, Suhash Reddy Chavva, Ashton T Hamme, Paresh Chandra Ray, Bioconjugate Chem. 2015, 26, 235−242.

[4] Antimicrobial peptide-conjugated graphene oxide membrane for efficient removal and effective killing of multiple drug resistant bacteria, Bhanu PriyaáViraka Nellore, Sudarson SekharáSinha, Suhash ReddyáChavva, Paresh Chandra Ray, RSC Adv., 2015,5, 18881-18887.

[5] Cytotoxicity of organic surface coating agents used for nanoparticles 4 synthesis and stability, Ying Zhang, Brandon Newton, Eybriunna Lewis, Peter P Fu, Ramzi Kafoury, Paresh C Ray, Hongtao Yu, Toxicology in Vitro, 2015, ASAP Article

[6] Nanoscopic optical rulers beyond the FRET distance limit: fundamentals and applications, Paresh C. Ray, Zhen Fan, Rebecca A. Crouch, Sudarson S. Sinha, Avijit Pramanik, Chem. Soc. Rev. 2014, 43, 6370-6404

[7] Highly Efficient and Excitation Tunable Two-Photon Luminescence Platform For Targeted Multi-Color MDRB Imaging Using Graphene Oxide, Avijit Pramanik, Zhen Fan, Suhash Reddy Chavva, Sudarson S. Sinha, Paresh C. Ray, Scientific Reports (Nature Publishing Group) 4, 2014, Article number: 6090, doi:10.1038/srep06090

[8] Accurate Identification and Selective Removal of Rotavirus Using Plasmonic-Magnetic 3D Graphene Oxide Architecture, Zhen Fan, Brian Gregory Yust, Bhanu Priya Viraka Nellore, Sudarson S. Sinha, Rajashekhar Kanchanapally, Rebeca Crouch, Avijit Pramanik, Suhash Reddy Chavva, Dhiraj K Sardar, Paresh C. Ray, J. Phys. Chem. Lett.,  2014, 5, 3216–3221.

[9] Inhibition of cytomegalovirus infection and photothermolysis of infected cells using bioconjugated gold nanoparticles, Bernadette M DeRussy, Madeline A Aylward, Zhen Fan, Paresh C Ray, Ritesh Tandon, Scientific Reports (Nature Publishing Group) 4, 2014, Article number: 5550, doi:10.1038/srep05550

[10] Extremely High Two-Photon Absorbing Graphene Oxide for Imaging of Tumor Cells in the Second Biological Window, Avijit Pramanik, Suhash Reddy Chavva, Zhen Fan, Sudarson S. Sinha, Bhanu Priya Viraka Nellore, Paresh C. Ray, J. Phys. Chem. Lett.,  2014, 5, 2160-2154.

· List of Pending Patents:

Popcorn Shape Gold Nanoparticie For Targeted Diagnosis, Photothermal Treatment, submitted U.S. Patent and Trademark Office on November 30, 2011, Appl. Num. 13307652.